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Free Movie The Babysitter Streaming Site No sign up for email. Patron goddess of Girsu and the city-state of Lagaš. Beginning in the second millennium BCE she became known as a healing goddess. Functions Baba's functions are unclear. Her most prominent role is that of Ningirsu's wife. She is called the "good" or "beautiful woman" and she is often invoked as a protective or guarding spirit ( d lama sa 6 -ga "beautiful guardian"). After her syncretism TT (see below), she became a healing goddess and continued to be worshipped as such. Divine Genealogy and Syncretisms During the late third millennium Baba was considered to be a daughter of the god An, but her divine genealogy before then is unclear. She was married to Ningirsu, the main god of the pantheon of the city-state of Lagaš. At the city of Kiš, Baba was considered to be the wife of the god Zababa. Baba's and Ningirsu's children were the gods Šulšagana and Igalima ( Bauer 1998: 505). According to inscriptions of king Gudea of Lagaš, the "septuplets" of Baba and Ningirsu were also her children, but only three of their names are known thus far ( Bauer 1998: 505). In the Old Babylonian period Baba was syncretized with various healing goddesses such as Ninisinna, Gula, and Nintinugga. Cult Place Baba's main cult place was her temple é-sila-sír-sír in the city of Girsu [~/images/] ( Selz 1995: 26; the temple is also referred to as é-tar-sír-sír, see George 1993: 148-149). She is also known to have had a shrine in Nanna's temple at Ur [~/images/], the Ekišnugal. Time Periods Attested Baba is first attested in the Early Dynastic period IIIa and IIIb in the city-state of Lagaš, whose capital was Girsu. Her early cult seems to have had some connections to funerary rites ( Selz 1995: 32). Some offerings to her were named "bridal gifts, " which has led some scholars to infer a connection to a sacred marriage between her and her husband Ningirsu ( Sallaberger 1993: 289). In the Ur III period, Baba's cult is attested primarily in the city of Girsu, but she is also frequently invoked in personal names. In the Old Babylonian period her cult is attested at the cities of Nippur, Isin, Larsa, and Ur ( Richter 2004). Only one fragmentary Sumerian hymn in praise of Baba has survived in the record ( ETCSL 4. 02. 1), but several royal hymns were dedicated to her ( ETCSL 2. 3. 1, an adab-song for Baba with prayers for king Lumma; ETCSL 2. 2, a tigi-song for Baba with prayers for Gudea; ETCSL 2. 4. 1, a bal-bal-e song for Baba mentioning king Šu-Sin; ETCSL 2. 5. 02, an adab-song for Baba mentioning king Išme-Dagan). In the first millennium BCE, Baba is mentioned in an Akkadian hymn ( Foster 2005: 583-591), in which her aspect as a healing goddess survives. Baba survived into the Neo-Assyrian, Achaemenid, and Seleucid periods, when she is only rarely mentioned in scholarly, religious, and historical texts. Iconography No images of Baba are attested thus far. Name and Spellings The reading of Baba's name has been subject to some controversy ( Marchesi 2002). Her name is spelled d ba-Ú, which can be read d ba-ú or d ba-ba 6. It has been suggested that the pronunciation behind this writing was something like Bawu, but this argument has recently been refuted on the basis of phonological evidence ( Rubio 2010) as well as comparative evidence from other divine names (e. g., d ab-ba 6, see Richter 2004: 118-9 n. 526). Written forms: d ba-Ú, d ba-ú, d ba-ba 6, d ba-ba (? ), d ba-bu (? ) Normalized forms: Baba, Bawu, Bau. Baba in Online Corpora The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions Corpus of Ancient Mesopotamian Scholarship Further Reading Bauer 1998 "Der vorsargonische Abschnitt. " Marchesi 2002, "On the divine name of d Ba. Ú. " Richter 2004, Untersuchungen zu den lokalen Panthea. Rubio 2010, "Reading Sumerian names, 1. " Sallaberger 1993, Der kultische Kalender. Selz 1995, Untersuchungen zur Götterwelt. Nicole Brisch, 'Baba (goddess)', Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses, Oracc and the UK Higher Education Academy, 2016 [].

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Free Movie The Babysitter Streaming Site No sign up sign. Free movie the babysitter streaming site no sign up video. A collaboration between Bob Berg of Flying Dutchman, the design genius of Bob Perry and a Taiwanese boatyard that built fishing boats brought about the Baba 30, a serious go-anywhere boat packed into a diminutive 30 feet on deck. Traditionally styled, she is a beautifully proportioned double-ender with a full keel that’s a heavy weather performer. With excellent construction and a high end interior, Baba 30s have aged well, demanding a relatively high resale value and have become a favorite among cruising couples. History The Baba 30 was introduced in 1976 as a response to the unprecedented success of the Westsail 32 which with the help of a Time Magazine lifestyle feature is generally credited for creating the cruising boat boom of the 1970s. Bob Berg of Flying Dutchman International enlisted Bob Perry to design the boat and contracted construction to a little known boatyard in Tainan City, Taiwan called Shing Sheng who’s first first foray from fishing boats to sailboats was a sophisticated 27ft racer built for a Japanese customer. The Baba 30 became the second yacht to be produced by Shing Sheng. It’s said that Perry had to kick chickens out of the way when walking to the yard in those early years. It was a place where the workers rechristened Bob Berg with the nickname “Baba”, affectionately meaning father; it was catchy enough to stick for the boat as well. By 1979 Shing Shen moved from An-Ping Quay to purpose built facilities in An-Ping Industrial Estate and a new name, “Ta Shing” was adopted. Production ended in 1985 and although hull numbers go up to #246, there was a gap in numbering between #125 and #201 resulting in a total production count of around 170 boats. During this time the Baba 30 was joined by two other Perry designed stablemates, the Baba 35. The Baba 30 concept was later evolved by Bob Berg using designer Gary Grant into the Panda 34 and chose boatyard Hsin Hang to build the boat in Northern Taiwan. While Ta Shing themselves commissioned Perry to design the Tashiba 31, an all new boat, one that Perry himself considers one of his best full keel designs, but is often mistaken as a revised Baba 30. As a side note, in 1983 the Shing Sheng name was revived by Paul Wang, a senior partner in Ta Shing. Paul went on to build a number of Gary Grant designs including the Norseman 40 in his custom built facility in An-Ping Industrial District. Configuration and Layout There’s no questioning that this is a traditional full keel double-ender of Aitkens and Colin Archer heritage. The boat is nicely proportioned with beautifully balanced overhangs, a sweeping sheer, and the Perry favorite; a traditional canoe stern. A four foot bowsprit sits up front and from the mast hangs a cutter rig boasting a healthy 504 sq. ft. of sail. John Kretschmer writing for Sailing Magazine commented, “it’s a big boat trapped in a short body” and certainly the displacement and ballast numbers are more akin to boats in the 35ft range. The cockpit is small, giving up most of the space to an expansive interior boasting 6′ 4″ of headroom. The layout down below has blue water in mind; there’s a seagoing berth and chart table combo on the starboard quarter and a large U-shaped seagoing galley to port. Two additional berths are provided in the saloon by way of settees either side of the saloon table. On some boats the table can fold away opening up the saloon, as per Perry’s original plans. The forward cabin came in two options, either a V-berth or a double berth which found favor in the East Coast. The quality of workmanship is superb and teak is abundantly used. Construction The Baba 30’s GRP hull follows the same layup schedule as the Valiant 32, with hull thicknesses running from just over a quarter of an inch near the topsides, to over a third of an inch near the bilges and grows to over half an inch in the tuck and keel. A single casting of iron is used as ballast which is encapsulated in GRP. The hull to deck join is glued and through-bolted with a teak caprail sitting above the join. Early decks were cored with end-grain, kiln-dried, luan (philippine mahogany) affixed in 2 x 2 x 0. 6 inch pieces, laid in filled polyester resin, later vessels utilized end-grain balsa on scrim with engineered kerfs (Baltec Contour core). Areas with through-deck fittings were locally cored in high quality marine plywood (made in Taiwan out of mahogany with waterproof glue, and boil-tested). All Baba 30 decks had a molded non-skid pattern, Thiokol-bedded teak decking was an option. Bulkheads were of marine plywood that were staved with teak battens of 2 inches width, and much later, towards the end of production, models were available with teak veneered bulkheads as a means of reducing cost. Early boats had wooden spars, of oregon and B. C. hemlock which do need regular care, but properly maintained will last the life of the yacht; owners tend to paint them (bad), and often do not understand that upkeep is required. There has been an unconfirmed report of asbestos used in the galley. Tim Ellis who oversaw production of the Baba 30 from 1977 comments, “If woven asbestos was used, it was behind the stainless steel liner of the stove insert. Asbestos poses no threat in this situation and should not be disturbed. It is the handling and disposal of asbestos that requires care. To be honest, I don’t recall if we used it or not” Under Sail As a blue water cruiser, the Baba 30 will carry its crew in safety, and despite its small size, in relative comfort. The boat is well balanced and is relatively stiff. The best point of sail is on a reach with the first reef thrown in at a respectable 20 knots. In storm conditions the boat heaves-to beautifully and the boat is safe and dry. Most owners report the boat under performs in light airs, to windward do not expect to make much headway in less than 6 knots of wind; 12-18 knots is her element. It’s worth noting Perry disagrees, commenting that the hull though pudgy, is easily driven, and under well trimmed sails can move very nicely in light airs. Buyers Notes As with many boats older than 25 years, have your surveyor check items such as chainplates, areas of balsa coring for rot and if applicable, the teak and the wooden mast. Overall, the Baba 30s have aged well, probably better than most boats of this era due to their excellent build quality. Most Baba 30 owners have replaced the original mild steel 30 gallon fuel tank, which was susceptible to corrosion mounted in the bilge. The tank removes easily in half an afternoon and a new one fabricated from $600 to $1000 from a variety of materials. It’s worth noting the stainless steel water tanks and even the engine are easily removable in the Baba 30, sometimes a big job in other boats. Resale value has remained high for a boat of its size, but when comparing with other boats in its price range, the 30 offers good value. The value of a Baba 30 will depend largely on the owner care received over the years, as of 2010 the asking price is in the range of $50k-95k USD. It’s recommended prospective buyers contact the Baba Owners Group at for advice, they run a Yahoo discussion group that’s worth checking out. Links, References and Further Reading » Baba Owners Group, Baba 30 info » Baba, Panda, Tashiba sailboat Yahoo Group, information and owner discussions » Sailing Magazine, Jul 2008, Boats and Gear, A bluewater beauty that was built to last” by John Kretschmer » Practical Sailor Magazine, Nov 1998, p12-15, Used Boat Review: an in depth review of the Baba 30 » Good Old Boat Magazine, Mar 1999, Baba 30 feature Credits For their assistance in the writing of this article, thanks goes out to Tim Ellis who supervised the Baba line of yachts built at Shing Sheng / Ta Sheng during 1977-1987 as well as owners from the Baba Association, particularly Alan D. Sugarman. Permission to publish line drawings and notes kindly granted by Robert H. Perry.

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If you did not like scary movie than this one isnt for you. Free movie the babysitter streaming site no sign up full. This submission is currently being researched & evaluated! You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. About Baba Booey is a catchphrase that is often shouted as a verbal prank during moments of high tension and live TV broadcasts. Originally said by the executive producer of The Howard Stern Show Gary Dell'Abate when he misstated the name of cartoon character Baba Looey, the catchphrase then caught on first among the cast of the show, and then in the popular culture in general. In 2020, the catchphrase was popularized in memes after YouTuber twomad started using it in his videos. Origin On July 26th, 1990, during an episode of the radio show The Howard Stern Show, its executive producer Gary Dell'Abate was telling a story of his prized collection of animation cels. [1] While talking about a Quick Draw McGaw cel, Dell'Abate incorrectly referred to the character's sidekick Baba Looey as "Baba Booey, " with the cast of the show proceeding to mock him for the rest of the episode (parts one and two of the interviews shown below, "Baba Booey" is said by Dell'Abate at 1:58 mark of part two). "Baba Booey" later caught on as Dell'Abate's nickname. I was thinking about getting Quick Draw McGaw and Baba Booey. […] Those are a little bit cheaper. Quick Draw and Baba Booey are about 3. 25. - What do you call him? - Baba Booey. - It's Baba Looey, isn't it? It's Baba Looey. You're hanging a picture of a guy and you don't even know his name? Spread In the following years, the catchphrase "Baba Booey" developed into a mantra for the fans of The Howard Stern Show, being used during prank calls and on other occasions. [1] For example, during the low-speed police of O. J. Simpson a prank caller to ABC News signed off with saying "And Baba Booey to y'all! " During the 2012 Olympics, freestyle wrestler Jake Herbered yelled the phrase as the camera panned over Team USA during the opening ceremony, with the phrase becoming a popular shout during moments of heightened tension in sports events (compilation video shown below). [1] Additionally, the catchphrase appeared in numerous songs, films and TV series. On November 13th, 2009, YouTube [2] user stokepogue uploaded a recording of the 1993 The Howard Stern Show episode in which the members of the cast repeatedly say "Baba Booey" and "Fafa Fooey. " The video gained over two million views in eleven years (shown below, left). On August 18th, YouTube [3] user GFORSE uploaded the "Baba Booey" soundbite as heard at the second 46 mark of the video (shown below, right), with the clip gaining over 880, 400 views in six years. More uploads of the soundbite to YouTube were made in the following years. Use in Memes Starting on March 2nd, 2020, YouTuber [4] twomad started using the soundbite in his videos to censor explicit language, with the soundbite first appearing in twomad's video "K-POP twitter stans still sueing against me" (shown below, left). On March 16th, YouTube [5] user Mimo uploaded a one-hour version of the soundbite to YouTube as "Twomad Bababooey Sound Effect 1 Hour. " The video (shown below, right) received over 342, 200 views in five months. The active use of the soundbite by the streamer popularized it among meme content creators, with humorous edits featuring the soundbite and using it as a punchline starting to appear on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube in the following months. For example, on May 2nd, 2020, YouTube [6] user Easy Sneezy uploaded a video that received over 77, 100 views in four months (shown below, left). On July 20th, 2020, YouTube [7] user JackOD posted a compilation of memes that used Baba Booey soundbite (shown below, right). Various Examples Search Interest Know Your Meme Store External References.

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